Massimo Gnocchi

Founding Architect


"Architecture is about people".

Born in March 1986 in Piacenza, attends master degree in Architectural Design in Polytechnic University of Milan. Works 5 years as a designer in Milan, then starts his own architecture firm in 2020.​
His passion for innovation led him to co-found The Mountain Refuge, a design brand which became popular for reinterpreting the notion of traditional mountain shelters while seeking balance between technology and design.​
Massimo is also the founder of CGMood, a popular 3D marketplace for architects and designers.

About Massimo on Forbes Italia


Arch. Giorgio Deleo
Arch. Letizia Biccheri
Arch. Laura Bottacini
Arch. Lorenzo Ghidotti
Arch. Alessandro Lovadina
Arch. Isabella Valarezo